Major 2023 Semrush Updates: Get Results with the Help of New Features

Anastasiia Yashchenko

Dec 13, 202316 min read
Major 2023 Semrush Updates: Get Results with the Help of New Features

The year is almost over, and we are so pleased to be able to share a massive list of our 2023 product launches and improvements. 

Below, you’ll find a highlight reel of our most exciting upgrades. Learn how they can help you grow your business in 2024. 

App Center Updates: A Customizable Way To Market

The Semrush App Center is built for marketers who need affordable digital marketing solutions without filler tools. 

Whether you’re steering a B2B enterprise or managing a small agency, our app store offers a solution to enhance virtually every digital marketing channel. 

Personalize Your Digital Marketing Toolkit 

  • Easily create and distribute videos from scratch, from an extensive template library, or with built-in AI through the Video Marketing Platform App
  • Publish landing pages that convert users with the Landing Page Builder App—either from scratch or from a template library; publish these pages on custom domains and collect valuable lead data
  • Uncover your competitors’ digital marketing strategy with the EyeOn App—know when they post new blog articles, pages, ads, and social media
  • Make sure all of your ecommerce pages are functioning correctly and converting customers with a full site audit from Ecommerce Booster App
  • Create, launch, and manage your Google Ads Smart Campaigns with just a few clicks using the Ads Launch Assistant App
  • Converge essential data from your business applications like Trello, HubSpot, Zendesk, and more into a Google Sheet with the Automated Data Connector App
  • Check to see if a piece of content is free from plagiarism, measure its readability, and determine if it is detected as AI-generated with the Plagiarism Checker App
  • Save valuable time by having the AI Social Content Generator App generate your social media posts using AI—texts, images, hashtags, videos, and more 
  • Generate engaging content with a mere few clicks—go from the ideation stage to publishing with the ContentShake AI App
  • Quickly create different content tailored to specific needs: blog outlines, “About Us” pages, Quora answers, welcome emails, job descriptions, and more with the AI Writing Assistant App
  • Be the first to know if your ad is experiencing a conversion drop, increase in CPA, errors with landing pages, and more with the Ad Assistant App
  • Make custom videos to promote your content, make a business announcement, or interactively help customers with the AI Video Marketing Automator App.

Dominate SERPs with Bigger and Better SEO Features

We updated several SEO tools this year to include easier navigation, increased data, convenient widgets, and more. 

Organic Research and Domain Overview: SERP Feature Tracking and Revamped Position Changes 

Two of Semrush’s most popular tools, Organic Research and Domain Overview, received some big upgrades to their data reporting in 2023. 

Now, Semrush takes into account all search results—not just the classic position results. 

Ranking in Google isn’t just about getting the top links anymore. SERP features have become incredibly dynamic and often get more attention with their front-and-center placement at the top of search engine results.

Before this update, you couldn’t estimate how much traffic a domain gets from a specific SERP feature, making it impossible to build a strategy based on competitors' performance as the potential traffic impact remained unclear.

The new update helps you unlock your website’s full search potential with an in-depth analysis of SERP features in addition to traditional organic results. You can track any domain’s presence in up to 38 different types of SERP features, including featured snippets, knowledge panels, carousels, recipes, and more. 

The Organic Research tool now shows all search results, including SERP features.

Another big upgrade is the new Position Changes tab in Organic Research, which makes it quick and easy to get a high-level overview of a website’s traffic trends and position changes. 

The Position Changes tab got a significant makeover. Now, there are several easy widgets that break down the position changes and trends for any domain you choose.

The Backlink Analytics tool empowers you to analyze both your backlink profiles as well as your competitors’, allowing you to compare multiple domains side by side. 

Previously, the formula we used to calculate Authority Score was based on two complex algorithms that combined data from organic search, traffic, and backlinks to grade a website’s overall quality. Now, we've improved the clarity, reliability, and consistency of the Authority Score.

The new formula puts greater emphasis on organic traffic and common factors that indicate link spam, creating the most robust defense against manipulation possible. The result is the most data-driven analytics score on the market, helping to improve insights into your website authority.

The Backlinks Analytics tool has a revamped Authority Score with added depth. The Authority Score widget can be located within the “Overview” tab of the tool on the left-hand side. 

Position Tracking: New Summary Widget with Automatic Generated Text Insights and Bing Tracking 

Position Tracking (also called rank tracking or SERP tracking) lets you track a website’s daily rankings for a custom set of target keywords. 

Position Tracking comes with tons of reports, tables with data, graphs, and more. However, we know that some users have found it hard to gain insights from so much data. Not anymore! 

In 2023, we added a widget called “Summary” to the Position Tracking Landscape report. This new widget provides a short text summary of the latest changes for the main website you’re tracking (either your site or an added competitor). It includes insights, such as:

  • The keywords gained or lost in various topics for the primary domain
  • Traffic growth for certain pages
  • Changes in a competitor’s Share of Voice or Visibility
  • Information about potential competitors and changes in their metrics

… and many more. 

The new “Summary” widget is in the Landscape report in the Position Tracking tool. The widget is the top widget on the right.

With Bing’s rising popularity over the last year, we decided to add it as a search engine Position Tracking for improved performance tracking.

Along with classic tracking, we also track Bing AI SERP Features and their presence in Bing’s search results. These features are:

  • AI Summary
  • AI Stories
  • Ask AI
  • AI Chat

The addition of Bing is just one of many ways we are trying to improve Semrush to fit your needs. If you have any feedback or ideas for ways we can make your life easier, please contact us. We’re always glad to hear from you! 

Keyword Strategy Builder: Gather and Leverage Lucrative Keywords Faster Than Ever

Keyword Strategy Builder got a serious makeover in 2023! Customers with paid plans could already analyze up to 2,000 keywords at a time, but we added some exciting new extras and insights to sweeten the deal.

The new and improved Keyword Strategy Builder can help you:

  • Save time on keyword research with automatic clustering so you can find potential keywords faster
  • Easily visualize how your keywords are connected and make organized groups of content for your website 
  • Create keyword-optimized content faster by sending your keywords straight to SEO Writing Assistant with a click

Let’s take a closer look at each new update. 

Discover Your Best Keywords with Automatic Clustering

Keyword Strategy Builder can now help you build a semantic core (main target keywords) for your website with one click. Based on your keyword lists or a few seed keywords you pick, it can automatically group keywords that rank well together into prioritized clusters. This new update can help make content strategy more effective, making it easier to create pages that will bring in more traffic.

Keyword Strategy Builder helps you cluster keyword groups automatically to boost traffic and improve content strategy. 

Visualize Your Keyword Content with Mind Map

Want to get a big picture view of all your clusters? Head over to the new Mind Map report in Keyword Strategy Builder.

The Mind Map report visually illustrates seed keywords and their clusters. In the display, clusters represented by specific keywords surround the central keyword list’s name (purple circle) and each individual keyword.

The new Mind Map report in Keyword Strategy Builder visually represents your keyword clusters. 

Faster Content Creation Workflow

With Keyword Strategy Builder, you can send your keywords to Position Tracking and PPC Keyword tools to make it even easier to track your organic and paid marketing activities. Now, you can also send keywords straight from Keyword Strategy Builder to SEO Writing Assistant to supercharge your content creation workflows. 

In Keyword Strategy Builder, choose the desired keyword clusters for your content and click “Send keywords” to seamlessly transfer them to SEO Writing Assistant.

You can easily select which keyword groups to send to SEO Writing Assistant by clicking the “Send keywords” button. 

Once your keywords are sent to SEO Writing Assistant, you will automatically redirect to the tool, where you can analyze and optimize your content to amp its SEO potential.

Accelerate Your Work with AI Content Tools, Reporting Insights, and More

In 2023, we added new AI content tools and reporting improvements to help you get things done faster, so you have more time in the day for the things that matter most (both at work and in life).

SEO Writing Assistant: Let AI Do Your Content Leg Work 

SEO Writing Assistant is one of our favorite time-saving tools, helping you optimize and analyze your content’s SEO potential for your target audience and search engines as you write.

This year, we added even more AI-powered goodness to make creating high-quality content even faster and help you streamline your workflows. 

Compose Quality Content Faster with AI 

Wish you could create high-quality content in seconds? Try the Compose feature. 

This new feature uses AI to help you compose new content or generate text with a single click based on your keywords and existing text. You can even ask it to help you complete certain tasks, such as “Write a short paragraph about whether pizza or pasta is tastier.” Simply click “Compose” in SEO Writing Assistant and then accept or reject the new text and ask the tool to try again. 

SEO Writing Assistant now allows you to use AI to generate content or help you flesh out content topics. 

Ask AI a Question to Build Better SEO Content

In addition to the ability to compose text using AI, we also added a new Ask AI feature that lets you ask questions about your topic and generates a response in your content document. 

Click the “Ask AI” button and ask a question like “Can you explain the main principles behind white label SEO and how it functions in the digital marketing landscape?” It’s a powerful way to help you build on a content topic or add more value for readers to help boost your search performance.

Use the Ask AI feature to ask the SEO Writing Assistant tool questions to help optimize your content.

My Reports: Drill Down Your Scope for More Accuracy 

My Reports makes creating sleek, simple-to-read PDF reports from scratch easy. The tool allows you to integrate data from other Semrush solutions, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Business Profile, and any screenshots and images of your own to create perfect, customized reports.

In 2023, we expanded the data scope available in My Reports to make it easier to share more tailored insights, drill down into a domain’s organic successes and losses, and compare different parts of your website and your competitors’ in reports. 

Now, you can include specific subdomains, subfolders, and URLs in your reports right from the Domain Overview, Organic Research, and Advertising Research reporting widgets.

The Domain Overview, Organic Research, and Advertising Research Data widgets in My Reports include expanded data scope. 

Site Audit Report: New JavaScript Rendering for a More Accurate Site Audit

Site Audit is a powerful website crawler that analyzes the health of a website, helping you find and fix issues that can boost the organic performance of your website. It provides a list of issues, making it easy to see precisely where a website is struggling.

With search engine bots, especially Googlebot, now rendering JavaScript (JS) during website crawls, it's essential to know what your content looks like to visitors when they arrive on your web pages. JavaScript issues can inadvertently be impacting your page titles, description, links, and other elements on your website.

In early 2023, we integrated the capability to render JavaScript pages in Site Audit crawls. Alongside this feature, we also introduced a comprehensive JS Impact report. It provides an interface for obtaining specific insights into your site before and after its JavaScript is rendered.

A sample JavaScript Impact report shows the number of changed and unchanged web pages after rendering JavaScript. 

Semrush Sensor: Now Tracking 38 SERP Features

Ever wished you could sense changes in Google’s algorithms before they impact your rankings in the SERPs? Semrush Sensor analyzes daily shifts in rankings and monitors for potential updates to Google’s ranking algorithms so you stay a step ahead of ranking fluctuations—and competing domains.

Google’s SERP features continue to gain traction over traditional blue links. Measuring the volatility of these important features allows you to spot opportunities to secure SERP features before your competitors can. Now, Semrush Sensor can track volatility in Google’s top 20 results across all 38 types of SERP features that Semrush analyzes.

The Sensor tool now features all 38 SERP features that Semrush tracks. 

Get More People to Your Door with Local SEO Updates

A robust local SEO strategy enhances online visibility within specific geographic areas, allowing businesses to connect with potential customers in their vicinity by appearing more prominently in local search results, local packs, and map listings.

Optimizing for local search terms not only increases the chances of attracting nearby customers actively searching for relevant products or services but also fosters trust and credibility within the local community. In addition, local SEO can make it easier for customers to discover your business on the go when searching from their mobile phones.

So, we had to invest big in our Local SEO toolkit in 2023. Let’s take a look at the new features and updates.

Listing Management: Going Local with AI

Listing Management makes staying visible in top directories incredibly easy for local business owners and marketers.

With Listing Management, you can automatically distribute and unify your business data across all your listings in over 70 directories in the United States and more than 40 directors in other countries around the world. It even makes your listings voice-search ready, automatically distributing the information to Amazon Alexa, Apple, Bing, and Google for better accessibility and ease-of-use. 

During 2023, we enhanced our Listing Management tool with the power of AI. Review management just got a whole lot easier! 

Save time with suggested replies to reviews from ChatGPT

Local businesses often spend a lot of time managing their online presence, hopping from one site to another and trying to answer hundreds of comments in different places. Save time managing your local business's online presence with the new ChatGPT review feature in Listing Management. It swiftly generates draft responses to customer reviews, allowing you to personalize and send them in seconds with just a quick sign-off.

You can now use AI to help you reply to customer reviews faster in the Listing Management tool.

Discover relevant keyword suggestions in Heatmap with ChatGPT

Finding high-value keywords in your market can be a game changer when it comes to optimizing your content for local search and improving visibility in local search results. It’s also tedious and time-consuming work.

Previously, Heatmap results were based solely on the keywords our users track, but we wanted to give you more. Now, we’ve introduced AI-generated keywords in the Heatmap report, recommended by ChatGPT. This feature suggests keywords based on your business name and category, simplifying the process of discovering and monitoring additional keywords related to your business location.

Use AI to suggest relevant keywords in the Heatmap tab in the Listing Management tool.

Track Your Competitors Even Closer with Review Analytics for Premium Locations

Say goodbye to manually tracking competitor reviews or guessing what customers really think of rival businesses in your area. When you update a location to Premium, you’ll find a new feature that makes it even easier to keep an eye on the local competition and discover opportunities to improve your own reviews! 

This new Review Analytics feature allows you to compile reports about competitors’ reviews and get metrics about their profiles, including the number of reviews they have, their average business rating for the last 1 or 3 months, and how often they respond.

Review Analytics is a new report available for Premium Locations. You can track the star progress of your location and that of your competitors, along with other metrics. 

Make Listing Management A Team Affair with Location Sharing

You asked for it, and we delivered it in 2023—Location Sharing. Instead of arguing over whose turn it is to monitor a listing, you can share it with everyone on your team to get the most out of Listing Management.

Now, Listing Management lets you share a purchased location with other users, even if they have a free plan. When sharing a location with someone, you can specify whether they can have Editor or Viewer access.

Semrush .Trends delivers instant market overviews and deep competitive intelligence—without paying thousands in consulting fees.

In 2023, we revamped the Semrush Trends toolkit, delivering extra value with a host of new updates, metrics, and tools. These enhancements ensure an easier and more comprehensive understanding of your competitive market landscape, allowing you to pinpoint emerging trends effortlessly.

Traffic Analytics: More Data, Deeper Insights, and Greater Impact

We think you deserve the most comprehensive traffic analytics tool on the market, and we spent the last year upgrading Traffic Analytics to make it happen. Here are some of the top improvements that are taking your competitive intel and market insights to the next level.

Target Your Market with Precision Using the New Regions View 

Finding out the geographical regions where your rivals perform best is a great way to identify potential market strength, the level of competition, and successful strategies for breaking into new markets. Now, you can narrow down market analysis even more precisely with a new view in Traffic Analytics that breaks down traffic by region. 

Along with the standard geographical zones, the new view also includes four distinct business regions:

  • EMEA 
  • APAC
  • NA 

Note: Currently, regional analysis is only available for Subdomains, Subfolders, Top Pages, Traffic Journey, and Bulk Analysis reports in Traffic Analytics.

Track Exactly Where Visitors Come From with Revamped Traffic Channels

Traffic channels in Traffic Analytics make it even easier to do competitive research and demystify the traffic strategies that help your competitors win. Now, you can get an HD-quality picture of your competitors’ traffic sources and pinpoint exactly what channels bring the most visitors to their websites. 

Here is an overview of the changes we made to traffic channels: 

  • Added new Display Ads and Email channels
  • Expanded Paid Search (formerly called Paid)to include the entire scope of Google paid search traffic as well ad paid traffic from other search engines
  • Split social traffic into two separate channels: Organic Social and a new channel for Paid Social 
  • Renamed Search to Organic Search
Traffic Channels in Traffic Analytics are now much easier for users to understand and evaluate.

Following the updates to Traffic Analytics, we also made the same changes to Market Explorer’s traffic channels to make it easier for you to dig into traffic data, discover new trends, and analyze markets.

New Traffic Channels in Market Explorer make it even easier for users to assess the tool’s data. 

Market Explorer: Get New Data-Forward Views of Your Niche and Audience

Market Explorer makes it easy to benchmark how your site compares to the competition and get a better understanding of any market. In 2023, we gave Market Explorer a big boost with new metrics and big changes to the Growth Quadrants widget to help you get even more data and insights into your target market. 

Improve Your Marketing Strategy with Purchase Conversions

When it comes to understanding competitor strategies, it’s critical to measure their effectiveness. The new Purchase Conversion Metric aims to help measure the impact of your competition’s efforts so you can identify the tactics that lead to higher purchase conversions and track trends over time. With the new metric, you can now see the percentage of visits to a domain that potentially ended with a conversion.

Purchase Conversion data can be found in the Growth Quadrant widget (shown below) and in the All Domains Report in Market Explorer.

An example Purchase Conversion Metric is shown in the Growth Quadrant widget of Market Explorer.

Fully Customize Your Growth Quadrant

In addition to the Purchase Conversion Metric, we also added more customization options to Growth Quadrant to help you get exactly what you need for reporting.

To get the most out of your data:

  • Choose the metrics you want to see and create the base for a market landscape (for example, choose Unique Visitors as the X-axis and Avg. Visit Duration as the Y-axis) 
  • View behavior metrics along with traffic data for a domain, including Bounce Rate, Avg. Visit Duration, Unique Visitors, and Pages/Visits
  • Highlight both top and bottom growth metrics for a domain to quickly identify the most significant changes
A sample Growth Quadrant shows the dropdown menus users can use to customize the widget to their needs fully. 

Introducing One2Target: Get in-depth Audience Insights Fast

One2Target is the latest tool in .Trends to help you research your audience and that of your competitors. These insights can help you gain a deeper understanding of your audience reach, allowing you to identify high-potential segments, discover new business and advertising opportunities, and strengthen your overall marketing strategies. 

The tool comes with four practical reports—Demographics, Socioeconomics, Behaviors, and Audience Overlap — providing deep insights about various audience characteristics. Using these reports, you can learn more about your audience’s: 

  • Favorite social media platforms, brands, and devices
  • Average age, education levels, and household size
  • Gender and location
  • Income and employment status
A sample page from One2Target shows several graphs in different shades of orange. The report focuses on socioeconomic demographics data. 

This Is Just the Beginning 

2023 was quite a year at Semrush, and there’s more to come!

Our commitment to enhancing our products is deeply tied to making sure we can help you tackle your toughest challenges, answer your burning marketing questions, and reach your biggest goals.

Stay tuned for upcoming developments that we’ll be announcing shortly.
